Saturday, September 18, 2010

An Offer You Can't Refuse - Well, You CAN Refuse It, But Why Would You?

Inevitably us clubbies end up at the doctor for something pertaining to our feet. And it is not all that unusual the doctor will tell you something that sounds like "well, your hornswoggle upsits is banging paltries with your shimaperatus, and doesn't look too good. You can either have three sessions of hotfreakinwhatsits therapy, or we can go in to do a series of tenopteratoron extensions, which may or may not result in partial or even permanent periastalsitic hemipleasia. Or, you could just wait and see how bad it can really get."

And you can either take this lying down, which trying to make sense of it is guaranteed to do to you, or you can demand a layperson's explanation, which may cause the doc to lay down and fall into a deep slumber, occasionally waking to ask for an ideal T-time. Or, you can take me up on my offer.

I am quite willing to act as an interpreter. Now, I don't speak Chechen, so if you're doctor is speaking to you in Chechen, can't help ya! But, in most other languages, I may be of assistance, with the aid of Google Translations, and my network of local orthopods and podiatrists, who I have trained lo these many years to speak in plain, simple, people-talk. And I will either post the translation here to share with all, if that is OK with you, or make it entirely between just you and me, totally private. Your choice.

Because I don't know about you, but when my doctor told me I was facing either partial or permanent periscoptic suprasemitic hairistalsis, it took me nearly a year before I could even leave the house.


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