Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ouch! It's Like That

People who suffer from chronic pain have a difficult time understanding why people who don't, just don't get it. It's not like we like to be in pain, nor as though we all secretly desire to be addicts, or that we love to complain. No, no, and no to all of the above. But the truth is, chronic pain is the perpetually unwelcome guest. We didn't invite it, we're tired of feeding it, and we can't get it to leave. And people who do not suffer from chronic pain may from time to time experience pain, well, for them, it soon goes away. Their reality is that pain is an inconvenience. For those with chronic pain, its a never-ending intrusion, an endless interruption into the lives they would rather be leading.

Imagine never having a day when you don't have to be interrupted by some part of your body. You can never just focus on your play, your work, your enjoyment of the moment, because there is always this other thing, this monster under the bed. Go ahead, try to imagine it, I'll wait..... So, if you have never suffered from chronic pain, you probably couldn't achieve the requisite level of dark outlook, and all that attends thereof. It's OK, we know you couldn't do it. The fact is, we wish we couldn't do it, as well. But those of us who do suffer in this manner need to be patient with those who are free from such a constant encounter with pain. They really don't get it. It is what it is.

But the impact of chronic pain can affect those who live with us, work with us, and often have grown tired of playing with us, because our limitations are upsetting and a drag. I mean, lets be honest about this - handicapped people are not as much fun as people who are up for a marathon, or sky diving, or a serious set of tennis. Its not that they can't do these things, its just that they do them, well, slower, or more differently than we, the able-bodied, pain free folks would prefer. I get it, really, I do. We cramp your style.

But here's the irony, if you will. When the unfortunate happens to the presently able-bodied, its far more likely to derail them than it does with those of us who've been a long way down Hurting Road for a long time. We are better able, most of the time, to dealing with our situation, because we've had the practice. Hey, its the one advantage we have, so buck up. What makes you so upset - you didn't think you would be immune from the vagaries of the human condition, did you? Oh, I see. Well, that must be tough for you.

We who understand are left to wonder - why are you complaining so much? Get over it. Isn't that what you always say to us?

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