Thursday, June 30, 2011

Claude's on Vacation

Well, as they say, if its not one thing.... Now, because I've been favoring the right foot due to the reaction to the prolo, my left leg, especially ankle and calf, have been visited by the poltergeist of intermittent claudication. Basically, narrowing of the peripheral blood vessels that intermittently cause blockages of the peripheral arteries. The effect is one where the affected limb feels heavy, and painful like an almost-cramp that does not subside. It can (and believe me, it does) cause difficulty walking, sitting, sleeping, dancing (ha!) and just about anything you want to do in life.

Now, I have actually had this condition since I was a little kid, and as the years have gone by, and I've learned more about this condition, it became clear to me that my particular form of this condition is not like the classic forms as described in the literature. The vast majority of intermittent claudication occurs in a) males over 50, and show the following symptoms:

  • cyanosis
  • atrophic changes like loss of hair, shiny skin
  • decreased temperature
  • decreased pulse
  • redness when limb is returned to a "dependent" position
Now, I do get number 2, but none of the rest. I now believe (though, in keeping with the spirit of truth in advertising, etc., I cannot prove factually,) that my form, as it has been with me since quite young, is associated with my post-club feet. This makes sense, actually, when you consider the following:

1. I spent many years in casts, tight braces, and a lifetime in high-top, lace up shoes, for their additional support.
2. Like nearly every post-clubber I've met, spoken with, or encountered here, one of the accompanying symptoms is muscle atrophy, especially of the calf muscles. This may in fact provide the narrowing of the distal arterial supply that causes these symptoms without the presence of any acute blockages.

Of course, finding a clinician/specialist who is willing to entertain that notion for serious consideration may be harder than learning to skateboard on one's head. But now, the pain is the worst I've yet experienced with this condition, and not getting any good night's sleep is slowly wearing me down.

So, it's off to see the wizard time again. Yippee.

Stay tuned.

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