Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Big Changes Coming!

Somebody from Boyup Brook, Australia just viewed this blog for the first time, and that made me realize just how wide-spread we clubby's are. I mean, isn't that pretty near the ends of the Earth, after all? Which, considering the Web is less than 20 years old (or so), shows just how far we've come, and how far we still have to go. I mean - we can FIND each other, but we still can't afford to hop a bus and have a pint with just any old clubby, now, can we?

So, between this blog, and the FB group, we are really just getting started - sharing our stories, resources, pains, ideas, solutions, fears, triumphs, recipes, jokes, and despairs - and anything new we can add to our repertoire is pretty much a good thing. And with the newest voices now speaking of a more radical solution - amputation and prosthetics - our futures offer us more choices than we have heretofore had available.

So, it is with this and many other bits of change I have been seeing over the past year or so that I am announcing some significant changes will be coming to this blog. The first big change is that I will begin sharing the editorial duties (and the writing duties, I should add) with Lacey Phelps, who will bring a new voice, and an even newer experience, to all the clubbies who read this blog, whether they reside in Kansas City, or Boyup Brook. This change will begin soon, so stay tuned!

And along with Lacey coming on board, the name of the blog will also change to reflect this new approach. Still mulling over the final name, but you will be informed in due time! We will institute the new name and format as soon as we finish the most difficult change - to a new platform. The Blogger platform has proven too limiting, and occasionally buggy, so I am going to move the blog to a Wordpress platform. This will also enable the inclusion of a storefront as a part of the blog. The reason for this will be to start raising money for the non-profit research foundation I have spoken about here. The products we will focus on will be oriented toward foot care - products and services, I should say, because I also want to help direct people to the best resources in their area, or at least as close as they can get. Sadly, this still means some folks will have to travel, but if I can help shorten the decision time and help anyone spend less expense chasing after less-than-ideal solutions, well, I think that will be worthwhile.

So, if you have any products you like to buy for your foot care, let me know, and I will try to target such products. And stay tuned - changes are a'comin'!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see you are moving forward with these changes. So many Clubbies are still in the darkness waiting for your shining Light.


Welcome to The Truth About Talipes! Your comments are welcome, and strongly encouraged. We with post-club feet are the best sources of information about the issues we face. Join in! (If your comment fails to appear, make a second attempt - Blogger is known to have "issues" with Comment upload from time to time.) And right now, it seems it does not want to display comments on the main page, but it will show them for individual posts, so don't give up yet!!!