Friday, July 22, 2011

Updates From a Gimp

Well, the Doppler was a dud. That is, I do not appear to have intermittent claudication - that's the good news. The bad news is - more doctors to spend my time and money on. Fortunately, a friend of mine is a GP doc who has done my prolotherapy, and he strongly suspects I am currently suffering from a nerve entrapment, which would be consistent with both the symptoms and the way they play out daily. So, onward through the fog.

Then there is the issue with the hand/arm/shoulder parasthesias and pain. My GP sent me to this shoulder specialist, who turned out to be a real jerk. Even if he is any good with a knife, there is no way in hell I'd let someone with the bedside manner of a moray eel open me up. Again - the fog.

I often have wondered how people with even  more severe issues than myself deal with the constant doctor merry-go-round. All I know is, there's a thousand other ways I'd prefer to spend my time. The pain, however, argues for the other course. That slimy weasel!

Those drawings of the rocker soles are nearing completion, should be up here very soon - please stay tuned.

Well, Happy Friday, drink 'em if you got 'em.


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