Sunday, July 8, 2012

First Annual (I Hope) Post-Clubby Dinner and Get Together

So, for those clubbies not on the Facebook group, as well as the casual passers-by, I am announcing the first Annual PCF Dinner and Hob-Knob, to be held this year in San Francisco, on August 18. The day will include a visit to a real therapeutic shoe maker, and will include an informal gait analysis, and then, dinner at a waterfront restaurant here in San Francisco. The say will begin about 2 PM, with dinner around 6. If this is a date you can make, please contact me by leaving me an email address and I will email you the particulars. All clubbies welcome, and your partners, as well, though I will handle the cost of dinner for the clubbies only (somewhat limited in the old wallet, so I have to keep it in reason, but the restaurant is within reason, and the food is very good!)

I hope you can make it, but if not this year, make early reservations for next year now! Hope to see you on August 18, 2012!!

1 comment:

  1. I am really looking forward to this meet up Willy. Thank you for putting it together. No need to foot the tab for dinner though! ;) Have you posted it on Craigslist? I sure would like to meet some local Clubbies in the Sacramento area who would like to attend or just meet for coffee in Sac.


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