Monday, August 19, 2013

My birthday present to all my clubbies:

If you are a clubby, you are already amazing. You know about struggle, about pain, about disappointment. You are already friends with hard work and sacrifice, with learning how to adjust your expectations and desires to make them manageable and realistic. But you also know how to work harder than others to make your dreams a reality. You understand the ignorance and intolerance of others, and learn early how to deal with those negative factors.


All of these things mean you are more than halfway to wisdom, understand the suffering of others better than most. These are the foundations of character, of resilience and courage. You know that fashion and popularity count for far less than integrity and kindness, and that joy is something that when earned is more full than when bought cheaply. You already know what matters, and know even more what does not matter.


You are a clubby. And that is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Birthday to you my amazing friend. Wishing you all the best, today and always. Namaste'


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