Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Adult Post-Club Feet Forum

OK, here we go. I have been asked to arrange the event/events for adults with post-club feet as a part of the Club Foot Week being sponsored by the Ponsetti Institute. It is scheduled for late September - exact dates will be posted here soon. But I need all of you to help make this a success. Here is what I am doing, and what I need help with:

1. I am working to locate and arrange a web-based conference package that is either cheap or free - no budget, you see. This conference will focus on (here is where the first help is needed, folks) how we have dealt with our symptoms, whether surgically or otherwise; what we do for temporary relief that works; problems communicating effectively with the medical community; footwear issues; social stigma issues; activity limitations, and the costs associated with the activities we do try to maintain; other. You see, "other" is where you come in. I want this forum to last for at least four hours, to permit people all over the world at least some chance of participating. So I would like the topics chosen to reflect as broad a set of needs as possible, without being so full as to make any discussion useless. Remember - this will NOT be the only shot at this - the Club Foot Week is intended to be a yearly event.

2. I will be putting together a Facebook page for the ACF community, for a greater degree of involvement. I would like input on things like focus, design, and degree of permissions for users to post, etc. I prefer some degree of openness, while retaining the ability to pull the plug on anyone abusing the community, if that should become necessary.

3. You tell me - what would you like to see in such an on-line conference?

This can only work if enough people get involved, and if they feel the event includes their own needs as a part of the mix. But that can only happen if people show up - both before and during the event.

So, what do you want it to be?

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I think this is a great idea. I don't have any suggestions immediately come to mind but I am keen to participate in the on-line conference


Welcome to The Truth About Talipes! Your comments are welcome, and strongly encouraged. We with post-club feet are the best sources of information about the issues we face. Join in! (If your comment fails to appear, make a second attempt - Blogger is known to have "issues" with Comment upload from time to time.) And right now, it seems it does not want to display comments on the main page, but it will show them for individual posts, so don't give up yet!!!