Friday, August 19, 2011

I Got Kneezeles. And I Get to Stay In Bed. Its No More Fun The Second Time Around

So now begins the rehab. Lift, hold, lift, hold, lift, separate (oops, wrong commercial.) You might think the act of raising a leg six inches off the floor ten times would be no big deal. Well, you might be wrong.  This ain't for sissies, but I also have known some bullies who'd be cryin' after the first set, if their kneezeles were this bad.

I've been spending lots of quality time over at the adults and teens with club feet Facebook page - great people, little heavy on the wedding photos just now, but happiness must be shared, eh? Its a real pain, though, typing on the phone - big thumbs, bad typos. Down! Down, I say! If you aren't a part of the group, let me see if I can wrangle you an invite. Just comment with your email to this post and I'll get it into the hands of the proper authorities. Get ya fixed right up! Clubbies in the Hoooouuuusssseeee!!!!!

Well, it appears I am stuck in gibberish mode today, comin' down off the pain meds, lookin' for a clear patch of jungle to land this ungainly beast in without crackin' up. Low on jokes. Hope I can make it! Hey, who put that cow in the middle of the runway??!! Oh, crud. This won't even make the front page.....


  1. I'd love to join!!! :D

  2. Gek, (if I can call you that!) go to facebook and search for adults/teens with clubfoot under groups, ask to join, and the door shall be opened unto thee, sayest the lard!!!!!

  3. You sure can call me that! I just sent a request off! Thanks! :)


Welcome to The Truth About Talipes! Your comments are welcome, and strongly encouraged. We with post-club feet are the best sources of information about the issues we face. Join in! (If your comment fails to appear, make a second attempt - Blogger is known to have "issues" with Comment upload from time to time.) And right now, it seems it does not want to display comments on the main page, but it will show them for individual posts, so don't give up yet!!!