Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dancing the Night Away

OK, so I have restless legs, so what of it? Attended the wedding of a couple of youngsters yesterday, and as always happens, mi esposa wanted to dance. Now, let me tell you that mi esposa is one hot dancer. That's how we met, in fact, while dancing at a Cinco di Mayo party. So I do everything I can to urge her to dance - which usually takes "Hey, do you wa...."? Then I have to run to catch up. Now, if I do everything right, I can usually make it through the event with minimal damage. But "everything right" means: support socks, ankle braces (in my pocket, just in case), a spare pain med (again, just in case,) lots of rest early in the day, dance one dance, sit out the next two, dance another, sit out the next three, etc. Usually works.

Unless the DJ is particularly devilish. Which was the case last night.

Perfect play list. Superb timing. A number of sub-par dancers who needed a good role model. A certain young dude developing a fascination with mi esposa. 

I didn't have a chance.

Did I tell you my wife is one hot dancer?

I'm gonna kill that frikkin' DJ.  

Right after I regain the use of my lower extremities.


  1. I love to dance as well. Thankfully my power wheelchair lets me keep on keepin' on after the last dancer has fallen! ;) Go for it, it will change your life in sew many ways.. Sew as in sew them wild oats! ;)))

    1. Got too excited about the thought of all that dancing.. (sow not sew!) lol


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