Monday, November 8, 2010

Prolo, Slobbo, Wacko - or - How I Stopped Worrying, and Learned to Love the Bum

Well, just had my next prolotherapy session, and I have something interesting to report to you, faithful reader! Its starting to work! My knees are doing better than they have in nearly a year, and my recovery time from the latest treatment was about two days. It helped, of course, that my doc used some acupuncture this time to significantly reduce the pain (helped along of course by some major pain meds prior to the treatment.) I face one to two more sessions for the knees, but the feet are just at the start of the process.

They are taking longer to recover, but then, the nerves in y feet are so hyper-enervated from decades of chronic pain and swelling that its no surprise. We are taking a slow approach, and doing a combination of regular prolotherapy, and neuro-prolo, which employs a larger number of injections, but not as deep, and with less dextrose per injection. The regular ones go pretty deep -they have to get to the inter-articular spaces to have the best chance of getting results. But if it gets similar results as I'm getting with my knees, then it will be worth the discomfort of the therapy. This stuff seems like the first real chance to see significant reductions in my chronic pain levels. I'll keep you all informed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that it is proving to be worthwhile. Thank you for the update. - Lora


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