Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Cheer, or, How to Kiss Under Holly When Your Feet Are Screaming

My sweet Patootie likes to dress up the place for the Holidays, so as you probably can guess, I am the one who gets to do the work - lights, tree, etc., etc. I get to take it down and repack it all, too. It's gotten to the point where I'd like to design a house with built-in lights that can be exposed and turned on by the push of a button, so I don't have to keep up the seasonal discomfort associated with all that cheer. As you might imagine, I get to wear two hats this time of year - Sandy Claws, and Grinch. I think I'd trade them both in for one of Druid in Cave, at least for one year, a vacation from the day before Turkey till the day after the New Kid on the Block drops down the chute. But I regress...

My office held its annual Holiday blow-out, this year as a moving feast, er, drunken revel, going from one place to another. Despite the generous libations, it did not suffice to anesthetize my screamin' doggies, so I never made it to the last venue. Fortunately, I had an appointment with my massage dude the next afternoon, and after an hour of twisting and shouting, I was nearly normal. Which in and of itself barely attests to my over-all state, but nonetheless, it will have to do for now.

I know there are many others out there who have similar limitations, who must plan each step. Over the years, the actual "standing/walking/dancing" time allowed has shrunk, and today is far more limited than I'd like, but there it is, isn't it? And no matter how many times I ask Sandy Claws for a new bike (euphemism alert) for Christmas, I'd be more likely to get a case of matzo for Hanukkah (I am very ecumenical, for a staunch Implementarian (we worship hardware stores and garden centers - don't worry - we don't proselytize - we don't even extemporize. We just get the job done.) But the good thing about the Holiday section of the year - I can up the meds in the name of good cheer. Can't you see how much bigger my smile has gotten? :-)

Well, I may or may not update again before the tree dries out, but in case I don't, have a Very Merry Whathaveyou, and a Happy Blue Cheer, in the flavor of your choice. Make mine Cherry Garcia.

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