Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to Playback The Forum

To replay the Adult Post-clubfoot Forum, follow the instructions below. It is important that you follow them precisely if you want to enjoy the entire event. Remember, the event was five hours long: there is nothing preventing you from going back many times to catch all five hours.

First, make sure your computer’s speakers are functioning – most of the material was audio/video, and while you can follow the conversation generally via the Chat window, it isn’t quite as full an experience.
Now, click on this: https://globalcampus.uiowa.edu:443/join_meeting.html?meetingId=1262319908351
On the sign in page, select Guest, and use your first and last name as User Name.  You will then be taken to a page where you will be offered a selection of choices – Sessions – Recordings – Reports – Profile – Help. Select Recordings, or simply click on this: https://globalcampus.uiowa.edu/recordings.html
Once the Recordings screen is up, look at the Calendar in the upper right hand corner. Select September 30. Then scroll to the date of the 30th, and click on International Clubfoot Week – it is at this point you will be prompted to Install Java – click on those words! – follow the prompts, including any other pop-up windows – always select Yes. It takes a few moments for the Eluminate Session screen to fully load, so be patient.

Once the Eluminate screen is active, it takes a few minutes, depending on the speed of your computer, and on how many people are in the Eluminate system at any time, for all of the elements – audio, video, Chat, whiteboard – to completely load. Once it does, be sure to click on the forward arrow below the microphone icon in the lower left corner of the Eluminate session screen, in order to begin the audio portion. Again, the audio and video portions take the longest to load. But once all the elements have loaded, everything should proceed without trouble.
Please be sure to complete the participant’s survey that will be posted within the next few days, so that we can better know how to improve the forums in the future. I hope you find the content helpful!

Willy Kiyotte

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Welcome to The Truth About Talipes! Your comments are welcome, and strongly encouraged. We with post-club feet are the best sources of information about the issues we face. Join in! (If your comment fails to appear, make a second attempt - Blogger is known to have "issues" with Comment upload from time to time.) And right now, it seems it does not want to display comments on the main page, but it will show them for individual posts, so don't give up yet!!!