Sunday, June 13, 2010

Knee Issues, Not Tissues

Let's get specific for a change - let's talk about knees. Or rather, let's ask you to talk about YOUR knees. For example, do you currently have knee problems, and if so, what specific problems? When did you begin to experience knee problems, at what age? Have you had any surgical work or joint replacement on your knees? Consider this a mini survey!

Most knees experience some type of problems as we age, but people with other pathomechanical problems - post-club feet, severe over pronation, and the like, tend toward earlier and often more severe knee issues, especially as the ability of the subtalar joint to function normally is lost or greatly reduced. The knee not only has to work against normal gravity in the planes of motion it is designed for, but with added weight, and/or additional pathomechanic involvement, our knees are highly susceptible to long-term deterioration and sudden injury - torn meniscus, ACL tears, loss of cartilage, etc.

So lets get an idea of the prevalence of knee issues in the adult post-club foot community. Operators are standing by to take your comments!


  1. Hello, My first foray into this forum :)

    I'm a 36yr old female and had my feet corrected at birth (they were quite severe apparently and I must've had a phenomenal medical team).

    I find that my knees are probably the joints that are most affected by pain(besides the obvious feet pain). I remember dislocating a knee when I was um, 'anethetised' at a friend's 21st years ago. The alcohol - um I mean, anesthetic - in my blood stream kept me dancing for the rest of the night, but the next day I was useless.

    I remember the dr who treated me warning me of the strain my knees were under and I know that this strain has intensified over the years - with weight loss and gain and 2 pregnancies to boot!

    I'm not entirely convinced that I would undergo any intervention though... something I've been battling with lately!

    1. Hi there, Knee pain is a common problem with many causes, from acute injuries to medical conditions. Normally people will believe surgery is the only way to relief knee pain, in fact, there are ways surgery free for relief knee pain. Example like using Unloading bracing technology, having ergo mattress etc. Read more at:

  2. Hey, I know where you are coming from. I have known for years my knees were teetering on the brink, but when the medial meniscus tore with a pop while I was simply walking down a flat sidewalk, well, that got my attention. As I was about to have a spinal fusion (cervical) the tear caused me to postpone that surgery for about a month, while I tried to settle the knee pain a bit. But after the fusion, I still had to deal with the knee. I really didn't want to do another surgery (nice anesthetic, but not as good as the one you used:-)

    So when my MD friend told me about prolotherapy, I decided to give it a shot (that's a prolo pun:-) And given the results for my knees, I am continuing the therapy for my feet. Stay tuned for more on this.

    I hope you can get some good information from this blog, and would urge you, as I do every clubby who responds, to share your own experiences here, as well as solutions you have tried, how well they worked (or didn't) and help finding new solutions that you may wish to try.

    The truth of being a clubby (I know, some have had excellent results - but they generally don't come seeking a site like this, so I am directing my comments, etc., to those of us who did not have such excellent outcomes,) is that we are in many ways on our own out here. But by adding your voices, we may be able to tick off a few doctors to respond with something more substantial than by the clarion call for a fusion.

    I hope you come back now and then, and do share.

  3. Hi, my first post. I am a 29yro F, born bilateral, with last surgery before fusion in 2002 to remove ruptured ligaments, tendons, move nerves, and arthroscopy. Pain is horrid, and knees are starting to hurt too. I've dislocated the left one 3x. Once from walking normally, once from boarding a plane.
    Today I had a consultation for bilateral ankle fusion. I don't want to but I can't stand for more than a few mins, and they burn all the time. I'm also trying to get bariactric surgery approved through BCBS.

  4. I am so sorry you've had such an awful set of experiences, especially that you are at your age facing ankle fusions. I want to ask - have you ever been prescribed rocker soles for your shoes? If not, you should ask the doctors about them, though I suspect they haven't much knowledge of them or they would have done so already. Please get in touch directly - I may be able to offer some suggestions for resources in your local area.

  5. I thought my sore knees were unrelated to my talipes! The sore knees are the worst part, I'm 19
    Next month and was born bilateral, I started getting sore knees last year , they get so bad that it depresses me! I dunno what to do..

    1. My daughter was born with bilateral talipes.shes 11. Has had so many procedures.and knees keep dislocating.the last time i had 7 paramedics and she was put out with ketamin.its so scary.wish i could take it all away,but we know its only going to get worse.

  6. Well, Anonymous (do you have a name, and what city/state/country are you living in?) to be having knee issues at 19 suggests that you have never been fitted for foot orthotics, and probably aren't wearing very supportive and well-balanced shoes. Why don't you tell me more about your over-all situation - how many/what kinds of surgeries, did you have the Ponsetti method, etc? And about your shoe and orthotic experience, OK?

    Also, are you aware of the facebook group, at
    ? If not, drop in, you'll meet clubbies from all over the world, and they are a truly great bunch of folks!

  7. Oh dear Anonymous.. that is not nice. I'm Sorry.

    My son who is 8 months old who is bilateral currently wearing ponsetti braces at night and I noticed today as I had him stand, his knee seemed to bend awkwardly, as in too far in the wrong direction. Is this common? Should I be concerned?


Welcome to The Truth About Talipes! Your comments are welcome, and strongly encouraged. We with post-club feet are the best sources of information about the issues we face. Join in! (If your comment fails to appear, make a second attempt - Blogger is known to have "issues" with Comment upload from time to time.) And right now, it seems it does not want to display comments on the main page, but it will show them for individual posts, so don't give up yet!!!